36B Arab St, Level 3 and 4, Singapore 199735

General Terms & Conditions

I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

Risk acknowledge and Liability Release

I am participating in yoga classes, health programs, workshops and other wellness, bodywork, therapy, exercise and healing arts activities offered by you, Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd (collectively the “Activities” and each an “Activity”). The Activities may be offered in a physical location or offered online via video conferencing apps or other digital media or platforms. All of such offerings, whether physical or online, shall be considered Activities for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions.

I recognise that I must be in good physical and mental health to participate in the Activities. I understand that the Activities may require intense physical exertion, and I represent and warrant that I am physically fit enough to participate.

I am aware that participation in the Activities carries risk and could result in, amongst other things, high blood pressure, fainting, heartbeat disorders, physical injury, heart attack or stroke, and that participation in the Activities may also aggravate pre-existing injuries.  I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician before I participate in any of the Activities.  Where I have consulted a physician, I confirm that in choosing to participate in the Activities, I am acting in accordance with my physician’s advice. Notwithstanding this, I agree that you reserve the discretion and right to refuse to permit my participation in any Activity on medical, fitness or any other appropriate grounds and that you are not obliged to refund any payments which I may have already made in respect of the Activities.

I understand that when participating in the Activities, I could experience muscle strains, aches, soreness or discomfort either during the Activity or thereafter.   I will abide by my own physical limitations, and will cease and withdraw from participation in any Activity if I experience such conditions or if continued participation causes any injury or aggravate any pre-existing medical condition.    I agree to assume all risks associated with participating in the Activities.  

To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither of Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd, its owners, managers, instructors and staff would be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage (including for any aggravation to a pre-existing medical condition) which I might suffer as a consequence of my participation in the Activities.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, I voluntarily waive all claims which I may have against Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd, its owners, managers, instructors and other staff, in connection with my participation in the Activities, and I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the aforementioned parties for all losses or expenses that they may incur in connection with any injury, loss or damage which I might suffer as a consequence thereof.  

Terms associated with Online Classes 

I acknowledge there can be significant difference between Activities conducted in a physical location and Activities that are conducted online.   With an Activity that is conducted online, I understand that in order to participate, I must log on to a video conferencing platform over the internet using a mobile phone, tablet or other compatible electronic device and turn the video camera function on, throughout the class.  I also acknowledge that there may be limitations to the ability of the Instructor to give personalised guidance or to physically correct my posture or positioning in the course of the Activity.   

With an Activity that is conducted online, I understand that participation is also dependent on my use of the internet (either via a suitably configured mobile phone, tablet or other compatible electronic device) in order to participate in the Activity.   I acknowledge that there are risks associated with such use of the internet (including, but not limited to, interruption of internet service, hacking or other malicious attacks on my internet connection or of my mobile phone, tablet or other electronic device). To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither of Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd, its owners, managers, instructors and staff would be held responsible for any loss or damage which I might suffer, as a consequence of my use of the internet to participate in Activities that are conducted online.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, I voluntarily waive all claims which I may have against Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd, its owners, managers, instructors and other staff, in connection with my participation in Activities that are conducted online, and I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the aforementioned parties for all losses or expenses that they may incur in connection with any injury, loss or damage which I might suffer as a consequence thereof.  

Pricing of classes and packages

I am aware that to sign up for classes or to buy class packages, I must do so either through the studio booking service provider that Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd is partnering with; or through Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd’s own website (https://www.peculiaryogi.com). The different classes or class packages that I sign up for may have their individual terms and conditions (in terms of pricing, validity period etc) and these would be stated in the Store sub-page.   I acknowledge and agree that all classes or packages that I pay for are strictly non-refundable, and must be consumed or utilised within the validity period stated.


I warrant and represent that I am of full age and have legal capacity to enter into an agreement with Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd and to participate in the Activities.  Where I am below the age of 18 years, I have the consent of my parent or legal guardian to participate in the Activities.

My agreement with Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore contract.  In relation to any dispute arising under this agreement, I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.

In the event that any term or condition is held by a court to be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, this shall not affect any other provision of this agreement, and this agreement shall be construed as if such provision had never been contained herein.

These terms and conditions shall be binding on me, my heirs and legal representatives.  

I also confirm that I have read the Privacy Policy (https://www.peculiaryogi.com/privacy-policy) of Peculiar Yogi Pte Ltd and I give my consent for you to collect my personal information and to deal with it in accordance with its terms.

36B Arab St, Level 3 and 4, Singapore 199735

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